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Development of the Parc - Page 3
The Transformation of the Horsetail Pond.

The Horsetail Pond as it appeared in November 2008


The Horsetail Pond after the scrape in May 2009

On November 10th 2008, after a period of heavy rain, much of the pathway at the bottom end of the Machine Pond was flooded, as the four photos below show.

March 2009 - The Horsetail Pond is Scraped.

Hopefully we won't have flooded footpaths any more as a new larger overflow
has been put in.

A new footpath was installed

The stepping stones over the stream would make walking from the Picnic Area to Machine Pond much easier.

A small dipping pond was formed next to the stepping stones.

On Thursday 5th the digger got firmly stuck in the Horsetail pond

By Friday though everything was going well

All this mud will form a path down to the dam where the stream can be crossed.

. . . . and the Horsetail pond was re-appearing.

The Horsetail Pond had been re-established,and to increase the depth, a new dam has been built.

All the mud from the bottom of the pond had been formed into a gently sloping bank. It looked a mess, but when nature takes over, and with
the FPNYW helping by planting some appropriate greenery, it will be beautiful in a few years.

The notice on the bank above the pond warns of "DEEP SOFT GROUND", I would call it DEEP STICKY MUD"!

With the dam intact, the Horsetail Pond was full and looking good.

February 2010 - Disaster at the Horsetail Pond.

The new dam that was installed at the outlet of the Horsetail pond the previous Spring had been breached. The pressure from the ice and snow proved too much for the new structure, and when the thaw came, the water started to find its way around the edges.

After that, the channel got progressively deeper. That resulted in the water level of the pond dropping, so that it is was even lower than it was a year before.

To resolve the problem a meeting was held on site with a representative of Groundworks, the Contractors who worked on the Pond improvements the previous March.

Unfortunately it was not to be a case of just "bridging the gap", or the problem would just appear further along the bank. We had to wait for the firm's recommendations and then work out the best way forward.

We were particularly anxious to get the water level back up before the waterfowl start nesting so that we didn't lose any eggs or chicks.

On 29th of April, Landcraft returned to repair the fault

With more rocks in place, and a bank of soil all stabilised with concrete, the dam was soon repaired.

We then wanted lots of rain to bring the water level back up

July 2010 - Two views of the Horsetail Pond.

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