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Members Activities - Page 2

The weather had made it difficult to get much done in the last few weeks, although it was nice to see a huge reduction in the amount of litter.
We had managed to get some more trees planted. This time it has been Willow trees, mainly in groups near to the Machine Pond, they were very small at the time, but in a few years, it should be beautiful there.
To soften the edges of the pond and provide much needed cover for wildlife, we also planted willow whips right to the edge of the water
As the water level was quite low, Nicholas Beswick decided to do a bit of fishing - with a grappling hook! His excellent haul was three supermarket trolleys and a rusty old wheelbarrow, it made you wonder what was in the deeper water.

On Saturday 18th October 2009, visitors to the Parc were thrilled to see a family of swans, 2 adult and 5 fully grown cygnets, gliding across the Machine Pond
Unfortunately, one of the youngsters, too inquisitive for his own good, swam too close to a fisherman and got tangled up in his line. He was cut free but the float and a length of line was left wrapped around his leg and wing. The RSPCA were called, but didn't show up, and early next morning when the rest of the family flew off, the cygnet was unable to take off and was sadly left behind.
Again the RSPCA promised to attend, but at midday one of the Directors of PNYW, and several keen visitors were discussing what to do for the best. The young swan, who had been hiding in the reeds, suddenly swam across to where they were standing, and came out on to the bank.
One of the group managed to catch him, another pinned his wings down, and a third covered his head with a jacket. They were then able to unwind the line, cutting it with a cigarette lighter where it was knotted, and so remove the large float. Next came the hook, thankfully it hadn't pierced the flesh, and was easily removed.
It was wonderful to watch that lovely bird flex his wings and glide away across the water.
Later on he was seen resting on one of the nesting islands, and in the evening he flew off - in the same direction as the rest of the family had. Everyone was hoping that he was now back with his parents and siblings, possibly at Parc Bryn Bach
On Wednesday 21st, while I was in Merthyr, I had a phone call to let me know that the Swan family was back at Parc Nant-y-Waun, but with only 4 Cygnets. Both the caller and myself were worried about number 5, so I looked in at Parc Bryn Bach on my way back to Brynmawr. At first I could see no sign of a single cygnet, so I asked a fisherman. I was told to look further along the bank, and there he was, perfectly happy in a group of ducks and geese.
Back in Brynmawr, I checked on Machine Pond. The rest of the family were still there, but next day they were gone.
On Sunday 25th October we were really excited to see the complete swan family, 2 adults and 5 youngters, all together on the Machine Pond.
That afternoon they all took off and disappeared Westwards, back to Parc Bryn Bach perhaps?

Gwynfor Evans (Green Earth), who supplied the whips, and Thomas Board (Keep Wales Tidy), joined members to plant a hedge inside the fence alongside of Horsetail Pond.hedging plants, including Hawthorn and Blackthorn which will eventually grow into an virtually inpenetrable hedge.

There was a good turn-out of members to construct a small footbridge over a soakaway. Everyone had a turn with the tools, and four uprights were post-creted in, then there was a short tea break while it set.
No sexual discrimination when it comes to drilling out the bolt holes - the result? Perfectly level handrails. By midday the bridge was almost complete.


On Sunday 8th of September 2008, and it didn't rain!, around 60 enthusiastic people gathered at The Outdoor Classroom to take part in our 8km Charity Walk in aid of The Hospice of The Valleys. Before we started, Sharon Howell, from Community first, whipped us into shape with some suitable exercises, then we were off around Parc Nant-Y-Waun and up into Beaufort Woodlands.

Everyone went at their own pace, but whether they jogged or strolled, they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. First back were 2 girls from Tredegar Torpedos Swimming Club, they finished in less than an hour. Others went at a more leisurely pace, and didn't return until much later. Having completed the 8kms we returned to the Classroom to be greeted by the smell of cooking. What better time to enjoy a delicious bacon roll than while waiting for the back markers to complete their circuit.
On Friday October 3rd , a cheque for £1,729 was presented to Kevin Davidge of the Hospice of the Valleys.

On Sunday 5th September, thankfully in fine weather, around 80 people gathered at Beaufort Ponds & Woodlands to walk down the Ebbw Fach Valley.From Beaufort they went down to Parc Nant-y- Waun, then on to Lakeside, where a few people took a break at Asda before carrying on down the trail.
After over 8 miles, and 3 hours, the first group arrived, with the others following at their own pace. From the finish at the colliery site, they were taken to the Six Bells Hotel where a buffet was laid on for them. The day was declared a huge success, and hopefully would be repeated the following year.

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